Uku Senior Tour Guide

Uku is the local God of Thunder. No, not because he is tall and blond (though he is), but because that’s what his name means - an ancient Estonian thunder god. Uku is not one of our history students, he is a man of hard core sience - he studies mechanical engineering. Inevitably we had to eventually hire someone with a practical mind and this makes him integral to our team - somebody needs to know how to use a tool, perhaps even a hammer.

Other than his most Estonian name, Uku also upholds some extremely Estonian traditions - namely singing. Apparently he has been singing in different choiers longer than he can remember. Being a class-A singer takes you places, such as foreign countries. Uku has traveled and sung in Russia and all over Europe. He has performed for our President and foreign dignitaries to humble-brag just a little.

A man must have a few dreams and Uku has revealed his - he wants to travel and be alone. Could he be any more of an Estonian stereotype?! It seems that one day Uku will take a sailboat and sail around the world. During his tour he will surely stop off in Antarctica to cool down (because Estonian is just not cold enough) and warm up on some abandoned tropical island in the Pacific Ocean (alone!). He swears to come home to Estonia because there just isn’t a better place.

What people say about Uku

Rated No. 1 Tours in Tallinn by TripAdvisor

"A Grand Tour to Unusual Places"

A fascinating tour to places unfamiliar and out of the ordinary. Eastern Estonia is well worth visiting if you like history and social commentary. Uku provided us with engaging commentary about the past, present, and future. A wonderful day.

"Fantastic tour"

Such a fantastic tour, we got to the Estonian and Russian border, with multiple fascinating stops along the way. Uku was such a knowledgeable tour guide, very friendly and funny. Small group of 7, great number. This tour was one of the highlights of our trip.

"Must have experience in Tallinn if you only get one day"

Tallinn is the focal point of our cruise ship itinerary, so we hired a private guide per Rick Steven's book recommendation. Uku, a Thermal Enginerring gradurate student, showed up and gave us an unforgettable tour fully of history, stories, and pride, a highlight of our entire trip. Highly recommend!!!

"Great tour"

Great tour! Really fun and tour guide was great

"An overview of nature, believes and history through Lahemaa Park "

Great tour to visit landscape outside Tallinn! We were lucky as our guide was the God of Thunder himself!! Despite the rainny weather we enjoyed this tour, especially the parts through the bog, the forest, along the coast and the waterfall. The tour is shorter than described on the website (7h)

"great places, fast tour"

It is very amazing to see old Soviet places and learning about it, see the Baltic sea from beautiful view. A lot of things :) Only one negative feedback, the tour is too fast. I wish I had more time to savor the moment while visiting the places such us some times to see the sea or walking less spedly the:(

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