Heli Senior Tour Guide

Heli is blond and bubbly, her vast energy reserve surpassed only by that of the Sun. Perhaps the most hyperactive person in the country, she just keeps going with the fierce tenacity of a Duracell bunny, stopping only to take a power nap every two or three months. The only thing you must be wary of is the extensive amount of sarcastic jokes she employs, the use of which she blames on the many British comedies she grew up with.

When not clumsily running into trees (and rocks, children) on the job, Heli likes to volunteer at different projects, dance and succumb to her incurable Shopaholicism. Right now she is studying television and film at the Baltic Film and Media School, as she needs to learn how to make brainwashing political commercials for when she finally becomes the first female president of Estonia. Her motto is: There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers!

What people say about Heli

Rated No. 1 Tours in Tallinn by TripAdvisor

"Lots of information in short time!"

Nice and friendly guide who could answrr all our questions.

"Super tour"

Nous avons adoré ce tour, notre guide a été très intéressante en agrémentant sa présentation avec des anecdotes personnelles ou familiales. Vraiment un super tour.

"Absolutely fabulous 2 hours tour"

We have visited Tallinn quire many times, but spend more time on shopping centres or cafes and never actually taken time to learn about the city and it's history. This time we wanted to try something different and although it was -5C and snowy, we took the possibility to go on 2-hour guided walking tour. And boy what a tour it was - Heli, our guide brought the history alive with great stories and anecdotes. We learned more about our own country too as we now understood what effect Finland has had on Estonias hard battle of independence. Great tour - well worth the time and money :)

"perfect introduction to tallinn and the estonians"

Heli is a hell of a tour guide. absolutly enthusiastic in describing her beloved city and estonians. She is equally funny and knowledged! I recomment this tour to everyone who thinks about viditing tallinn.

"Heli was the best walking guide"

After arriving in from Riga that morning, Heli and the walking tour of Tallinn was my first experience, she was so fantastic brilliant, energetic and I really enjoyed her spirit.

"Two Fat English Blokes"

Tour: 10.00 am - noon Tuesday 13.06.17. Exceeded expectations (and I've been on a few). Superb guide: knowledgeable, entertaining and most of all she seemed to enjoy herself as much as we did! A valuable insight to places of interest recommended in my Berlitz guide (plug), She deserves to win the trip to Berlin (send my commission to the usual address). Seriously, DO IT!

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